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Fox News Owner

Rupert Murdoch Steps Away from Media Empire

92-Year-Old Tycoon Resigns Leadership Roles at Fox and News Corp.

Rupert Murdoch, the powerful media mogul who built and oversaw one of the world's most influential news empires, has announced his resignation from his leadership roles at Fox's parent company and News Corp.

Murdoch, who turns 92 next month, has been at the helm of his vast media empire for decades. He founded Fox News in 1996 and has controlled the company ever since. He also owns The Times of London, The Wall Street Journal, and other major news outlets worldwide.

The Murdoch Era Comes to an End

Murdoch's resignation marks the end of an era in the media world. He is a polarizing figure, but there is no doubt that he has had a profound impact on the news landscape.

Under Murdoch's leadership, Fox News has become the most-watched cable news channel in the United States. The channel has been criticized for its conservative bias, but it has also played a major role in shaping the political discourse of the country.

Murdoch's other media outlets have also been influential in their own ways. The Times of London is one of the most respected newspapers in the world, and The Wall Street Journal is a leading source of business news.

With Murdoch's departure, it is unclear what the future holds for his media empire. His son, Lachlan, is now the sole chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corp., but it remains to be seen whether he will be able to fill his father's shoes.
